#5 - Zip #78

Amanda looks great anywhere, but there's something special when she poses on a couch. Maybe it's just her naturally casual style? Well, whatever it is, Amanda does it again in this green bikini top and jeans - an interesting combination! This set was 42 images worth of awesomeness that was among the best of the best last year!

Click Here for a sample from this set!
#4 - Zip #93

Now here's something different from Amanda - sneakers! Oh sure, sure can rock the heels, pumps, and bare feet just as well as anyone, but Amanda's athleticism is honored here, as she wears this sporty-looking layered tank top with a pair of white capri jeans! The only thing that would have made this set even better is if it were shot outdoors.

Click Here for a sample from this set!

#3 - Zip #91

I am constantly amazed at Amanda's complexion. I mean, she goes to school and works to support herself, and yet she has such a dark tan year-round. What better way to accent that bronze skin than with a little white dress? Amanda positions herself in a variety of poses by a window, giving this one several lighting styles, all wrapped up in a whopping 72 hi-rez images!

Click Here for a sample from this set!
#2 - Zip #82

Maybe I'm not the best person to rate Amanda's photo sets, because I'm always going to put cute ones near the top of the list. This strappy red tank top and pair of red pajama pants with white polka dots has to be one of the most adorable things that could come out of a young lady her age! In my mind, this is what Amanda wears around the house - the perfect example of what a beautiful everyday girl she is.

Click Here for a sample from this set!
#1 - Zip #79

Unless it's Halloween, Amanda just doesn't do costume sets. That's just the way it is. So imagine my surprise when she approved my idea (yep, this was one of mine!) for a country girl set! Wearing a button-up shirt tied in front with a pair of denim cut-off, she was the perfect country girl - from the top of her piggytailed head to her delightful bare feet! This one's a winner! Thanks, Amanda!

Click Here for a sample from this set!

Honorable Mentions:
Zip #85 Zip #96 Zip #94 Zip #97 Zip #92

So how about it? Agree with me? Think I'm full of it? Then make your own top 5 list! You could e-mail it to me, but it would probably be better if you post it at Amanda's Fan Club. I'm sure she'd appreciate it, and your thoughts may inspire her for future photoshoots! Major thanks to Amanda and her photographer Gary for giving me so much freedom to use her pics whenever and wherever I want... can't wait to see what they have for us in 2010!

You can find all of these zips and lots more at Amanda's zip portal:

Copyright ©2010 NCCuties.com
Photos copyright ©2009-2010 TK-Productions.org
Used With Permission.